

why I teach

I teach because I want to share my passion for the practice of yoga. I help people find peace within their mind and body, and work through any challenges that arrive - mindful or physical. I share the teachings of all the great teachers that taught before, with gratitude for this beautiful practice. I truly believe that what we learn on the mat has the power to transform our daily lives in a positive and profound way.

my personal practice

When I first found yoga, I was working as a manager in a restaurant, which was very physically and mentally demanding. I soon found that there was a certain magic beyond the poses that helped me to find the stillness in my mind I hadn’t realised I was missing.

My yoga journey began with a purely physical approach to the practice. Practicing regularly helped to relieve pain I suffered with due to hypermobility. I found that not only did the physical practice help me to build the strength my body needed, I also started to fall in love with the whole philosophy surrounding yoga. As I delved deeper, the more I practiced and learned about the different aspects, the more I fell in love. I am and will forever remain a yoga student.

my training

I trained at Vinyasa yoga school - an amazing school in Rishikesh India, the home and heart of yoga. I was guided by incredible inspiring teachers. It was a life changing experience that gave me lifelong friends as well as the knowledge and tools I needed to spread the love I have for the practice.

my journey as a teacher so far

My first teaching job was at Atma, a beautiful yoga hostel in Huanchaco, Peru. Straight from yoga school I was teaching 8 classes a week to a range of ages and abilities. This was AMAZING work experience for me as a brand-new teacher to gain confidence and I’m eternally grateful for my first job!

Since then I have been building my own business teaching yoga to a variety of different age groups, abilities and personalities. I run my own classes in St Albans, along with teaching students in secondary schools and universities. No day is the same and I can honestly say I love my job so much!